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We are here to help you

Daniel Rangel


I am Dani Rangel, together with Marc, founder of this project that excites us so much. Graduated in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences from the INEFC in Barcelona, at the University of Barcelona, where he later completed a master's degree in Sports Performance: technification and high level (RETAN) with a mention in team sports.

I consider myself a proactive and nonconformist person, always eager to continue learning and growing within our wonderful profession. I believe that close treatment and empathy are vital to help people achieve their goals, whether related to health or improving sports performance.


My concern for constant learning has led me to take different courses at international schools (EXOS, DNS, CFSC, etc). To this day, I am still studying a master's degree in Qualisformacion, MEFF, and an online course on biomechanics of human movement, taught by Pinnacle Performance. All this in order to be able to deepen helping more people every day. 

I am proud to have started this project and to be part of a wonderful multidisciplinary team with the desire to continue evolving day by day.


I face this project with great enthusiasm, we will enjoy it for sure.





I am Marc, founder of the company together with Dani. I graduated with Dani, Guillem and Luis in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences from the INEFC in Barcelona.

I consider myself a self-demanding person and passionate about sports, especially soccer. I also really like spending time with the people I love and with whom I feel loved. 

MovMent was born with the idea of improving the health of the population in general. In order to do so, we have believed it important to put together a team of professionals who are permeable and open to change.

From a holistic view, we want to create synergies with athletes and the general population so that we are identified as a center where there is humane and professional treatment.

I have been involved in the world of sports for ten years. I have been able to have different experiences but always with the soccer ball as an end. For a few years I have been dedicated to sports management and I think I have found my place. .I am passionate about the work I do and it allows me to have an impact on many people.

I feel happy and content to be part of this team and I couldn't be more proud of what we have created. We are sure that we will have a lot of fun.




I am Luis Hidalgo Rebolledo, better known as Lucho. Graduated in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences, and currently a member of the MovMent Barcelona Physical Educators team.

Lover of training, human movement and sports in all its variants.

Passionate about being able to interact with others doing what I like the most, and enjoying it at every moment. In this way, I educate and help all the people I have the opportunity to train to achieve their goals.

Always in continuous learning as a tool for improvement and professional growth, to be updated and accompany our trainees in a safer way.

Contributing the best of me at every moment. Happy, excited, and eager to start this new project with a great team of professionals, with different skills, but with the same goal: taking care of you.



I Am  Guillem Portell Poveda, graduated in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences from the INEFC institution in Barcelona, and currently training as a physiotherapist at the Pompeu Fabra University, and nourished day by day by my colleagues and friends from MovMent Barcelona.

I have known for years that my mission in life is to help improve people's health.  The same philosophy that we want to transmit from Movement.

I have extensive experience educating people to improve the way they move, both the general population and the population with neurological pathologies. Since during my sports science internship, I was at the Guttmann Institute (reference center for the treatment of neurological pathologies) where I treated patients who had suffered stroke, Parkinson's, head trauma, cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis, spinal cord injuries and other pathologies minorities.

As for my free time, you will surely see me doing sports, more specifically endurance sports such as triathlons. Hence, he also works as an online running and trail running coach.  

Finally, I would like to say that I am super happy to be part of this project alongside great professionals who have the same philosophy as me: to help you improve your health.





I am Marc, founder of the company together with Dani. I graduated with Dani, Guillem and Luis in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences from the INEFC in Barcelona.

I consider myself a self-demanding person and passionate about sports, especially soccer. I also really like spending time with the people I love and with whom I feel loved. 

MovMent was born with the idea of improving the health of the population in general. In order to do so, we have believed it important to put together a team of professionals who are permeable and open to change.

From a holistic view, we want to create synergies with athletes and the general population so that we are identified as a center where there is humane and professional treatment.

I have been involved in the world of sports for ten years. I have been able to have different experiences but always with the soccer ball as an end. For a few years I have been dedicated to sports management and I think I have found my place. .I am passionate about the work I do and it allows me to have an impact on many people.

I feel happy and content to be part of this team and I couldn't be more proud of what we have created. We are sure that we will have a lot of fun.





Soy Mario Camacho Cardeñosa, graduado en Ciencias de la Actividad Física y del Deporte. Empecé mi formación en la Universidad de Extremadura, para terminar graduándome por el INEFC de Barcelona.


En los últimos años, he descubierto que mi vocación es ayudar a las personas a mejorar su salud y bienestar, una pasión que nació en mi familia, donde me han enseñado a convivir con la actividad física, el deporte y sus valores desde pequeño. Creo firmemente que todos, independientemente de nuestro objetivo y nuestra condición física, tenemos el potencial para alcanzar un estado óptimo de salud y rendimiento. Fue al conocer al equipo de MovMent cuando descubrí que podía compartir esta idea de trabajo con ellos.


Soy una persona con un continuo afán de aprendizaje y mejora, siempre buscando nuevas formas de enriquecer mis conocimientos y habilidades. Me considero muy hablador y empático, lo que me permite conectar fácilmente con las personas y entender sus necesidades. Estas cualidades me han ayudado a construir relaciones de confianza con mis entrenados y a ofrecer un apoyo más efectivo a quienes buscan mejorar su salud y bienestar.


Desde pequeño, he estado inmerso en una variedad de deportes, lo que despertó en mí una especial pasión por las pruebas de velocidad en atletismo, modalidad que aún en la actualidad sigo practicando. Esta diversidad en la práctica deportiva me ha proporcionado una perspectiva amplia sobre el entrenamiento y las necesidades de cada uno de mis deportistas.


Estoy encantado de tener la oportunidad de conocer y empezar a trabajar con nuevas personas. Mi objetivo es ofrecer el mejor apoyo posible para que cada uno pueda alcanzar sus metas y disfrutar del proceso. ¡Espero poder compartir esta experiencia y crecimiento contigo!

Soy Álvaro Márquez Sánchez, tengo 26 años y me considero una persona empática, ambiciosa y amante del aprendizaje constante. Soy fisioterapeuta (col.12895) titulado por la E. U. Gimbernat, especializado en lesiones del aparto locomotor y, posteriormente, formado en punción seca (Travell&Simons, 2018) y técnicas manipulativas (CAR de Sant Cugat, 2018). Realicé un máster oficial en fisioterapia de deportes de equipo a la U.R.L Blanquerna conjuntamente con el F.C. Barcelona (2021). 


Me considero un fan del deporte y la competición en general, y por eso soy fisio de equipos deportivos desde el 2016: 2 años en futbol regional, 4 años en un club de handbol llegando a la Liga Guerreras Iberdrola y, actualmente, en un club de natación i Waterpolo). 


Además, tengo más de 4 años de experiencia en el ámbito de la fisioterapia privada en diferentes centros de salud.  



Sarah Sanchez


I am Sara Sánchez, graduated in Human Nutrition and Dietetics and I am currently doing a master's degree in Clinical Nutrition and Endocrinology.

I consider myself a person with many concerns and a thirst for knowledge. That is why it makes me happy to be able to contribute my grain of sand and help all the little people who are looking for a nutritionist to accompany them.

And you know what? In the consultation a magical exchange takes place: by helping a person, this person teaches you a new way of looking at nutrition.

But, what makes me happiest is being able to share a team with great professionals who have the same philosophy and goal: take care of you and your health.


Soy Iván Guirola, graduado en Ciencias de la Actividad Física y del Deporte en la Universidad Pablo de Olavide, y especialista en Psicología del Deporte por la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. También he realizado el Postgrado en Psicología Aplicada en el Alto Rendimiento Deportivo de esta última Universidad.

Muchas veces oímos relatos en las gradas relacionados con estas temáticas:

“A ese chico le falla la cabeza”.

“Qué buena jugadora hubiera sido si gestionara mejor las emociones”.

“En los momentos importantes, no está...”

Cuerpo y mente van de la mano y, para ello, es fundamental trabajar de manera integral proporcionando la mejor formación posible a todas las personas implicadas en la formación deportiva, desde su iniciación hasta su retirada.

Tengo experiencia específica con deportistas de alto rendimiento, acompañando y realizando seguimiento a familias y asesoramiento a entrenadores/as. He hecho de la Psicología, la Educación y el Deporte mi carrera profesional. Actualmente estoy colaborando con otros clubes
y acompañando a deportistas profesionales a nivel individual.



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